Catholics Come Home TV Series

Each episode of Catholics Come Home features an interview with someone who recently returned to Jesus and the Catholic Church as a result of Catholics Come Home and responding to the call of the Holy Spirit. Guests include former atheists, agnostics, Protestant Christians, and fallen-away Catholics who came home.


Episode 1: Journey Back to the Catholic Faith
Episode 2: Agnostic to Evangelist
Episode 3: Personal Relationship with Jesus
Episode 4: Loneliness and Suffering
Episode 5: Healing
Episode 6: Faith and Reason
Episode 7: Our Church Family
Episode 8: Call to Discipline
Episode 9: One Nation Under God
Episode 10: One Nation Under God
Episode 11: One Nation Under God
Episode 12: One Nation Under God
Episode 13: One Nation Under God

Encuentra una parroquia a donde te guste volver a vivir las fe.

Si quieres encontrar una parroquia cerca de tu casa, tiene los recursos para ayudarte.
